Stratis Vitae - The Layers of Life - Modern Fiber art Wallhangings
Exhibition " Transience and Imperfection is on display at VMG Melbourne till mid December 2022.
Modern Fiber art Wallhangings will be on the display. Art for grounded natural home from grounded natural materials.
Meet the Artist on premisses:
Where: Venetian Media Group Level 5, 11 Wilson Street South Yarra, VIC 3141
When: 22nd November 2022 from 12 - 1.30pm
What: ~ Artist talk
~ Felting Demonstration
~ Incorporating fibre art in interiors and benefits of it
"The Layers Of Night Heaven"

"The layers of Wind"

"The Layers of Nature"

"Butterfly Blessing" - Modern Fiber art Wallhanging

"Summer's Breath"

"Flight Home"
